Library News

UPDATE: The library hosted an information session on May 7 about what it's like to be a trustee. You can view the video on YouTube. The APL trustee election will now be held on Tuesday, June 9, via absentee ballot as set forth by an executive order from Gov. Andrew Cuomo.  There are two trustee s...

The Albany Public Library Board of Trustees has called a special meeting on Tuesday, March 24, at 6 pm to discuss how the coronavirus closure is impacting library services and staff. The meeting will take place virtually. The board will discuss several items: (1) an updated continuation of service ...

Trustee Election Postponed NYS Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.13 postponing library board, school board, and village elections until at least June 1, 2020. We don't yet know when the APL trustee election will be held, or if the due date for petitions will change.  Read the candidate ...

Our latest podcast episode features an interview with talented local musician and filmmaker Bobby Kendall, who was featured in this fall's Silent Film Spectacular. Listen to this Albany Made podcast episode and learn more about Bobby's longtime involvement in the film series, which features live, o...

November/December Program Guide Available

October 28, 2019 | Library News

Have you seen the latest program guide yet? We've got tons of great activities planned for you in November and December. Here are just a few of our upcoming programs: Lantern Making for the Albany Lantern Parade at multiple branches National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo): Write-In at North ...

Patron Alert: Temporary Delay in Deliveries

October 16, 2019 | Library News

OCT. 28 UPDATE: The issue has been resolved and delivery is back to normal! We appreciate your patience. OCT. 21 UPDATE: The situation is improving, but we will continue to have limited deliveries for the next couple of days. Thanks for hanging in there with us! Oct. 16, 2019 -- The system courier...